During a visit to Hopevale in 2018 to help provide resources for the Elders to take a bunch of the local youth out on Country for knowledge sharing, the local community brought to our attention the success of a similar program that had previously run for 6 years. They explained that the affect of the on Country knowledge sharing and reconnecting provided more meaning for the youth and led to a much more harmonious community and provided a platform for traditional knowledge sharing practices to continue. However, funding was removed and the program could not continue, resulting once again in a divide forming between Elders and youth.

In October 2021 TCP will return to remote Hope Vale Community in Cape York. The purpose of our visit is to establish an ongoing Elders led on Country Healing program for the Hope Vale Community. This program will be documented and held high as a model for Elders led Healing programs across Australia. The program is simple and consists of the Elders taking up to 15 youth on land & sea Country for a number of days to spend time away from the distractions of everyday life. During this time, the Elders share the stories and knowledge that was passed down to them.

AIP is supporting TCP and the Hopevale community with this initiative because, even in Western Culture, it is easy to recognise the benefits of spending time in the bush. We are hoping to support the program by connecting the community with private and Corporate funding streams to enable the continuation of this important program.

To help support this program and to showcase this Elders led initiative please contact info@traditinalculturalpracties.org